Caiman Lizard Care Guide

  • When caiman lizards are hatchlings, they can stay within a 4x2x4. They need climbing height; hence most aquariums will not work. They will be able to stay in a 4x2x4 for about a year if not a little less. If all goes accordingly, your caiman should be about 2 foot by its first birthday. Caiman lizards need both climbing height AND a place to swim. They need a pond and should be kept similarly to actual crocodilians. Babies need a pond at least 7 inches deep and able to swim, and have both land AND pond, if they want to get away from the water they should be able to. For substrate, you can use a variety of bedding, but we personally use and suggest play sand--make sure you wash it thoroughly before putting it in the enclosure. Sand isn't as likely to clog a filter versus the other substrates. You do not want to use things like gravel or stones small enough to fit into their mouth, as they will eat it and that can cause major issues.
  • As far as temperatures and humidity goes, you want an ambient air temp on the warm side as high 80's low 90's, and high 70's low 80's on the cool end. Night temps should not drop below 75 at due to risk of impaction. Basking surface temps can range between 115F-130F, but we keep their temps around 120F. Humidity should fluctuate between 60-80% in spikes. Humidity should not be high all the time, or low all the time, let it fluctuate. Water temps should be kept around 78-80F. Caiman lizards are a diurnal lizard, hence need a 12 hour day, 12 hour night cycle. Caiman lizards also REQUIRE UVB for proper D3 synthesis and digestion. We suggest the Arcadia 12% T5 about 18 inches directly above the basking spot where your lizards back will be, overlapping with basking lights to give a 2.0 to 3.0 UVI. Max UVI should be 3.0 in the basking area, and minimum should be 1.0 in the shady part of the enclosure.